Health Benefits of Blueberries

Here is a table showing the top ailments that blueberries are used to treat, how they are to be used, and the most authoritative source we can cite for the use.

High cholesterolEat blueberries regularly to prevent cholesterol from being oxidized by antioxidantsHealthline
High blood pressureEat blueberries regularly to lower blood pressure by anthocyaninsHealthline
Type 2 diabetesEat blueberries regularly to improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar controlWebMD
Poor digestionEat blueberries regularly to provide dietary fiber and promote healthy digestionWebMD
Heart diseaseEat blueberries regularly to prevent oxidative stress and inflammation that can damage the heartMedical News Today
CancerEat blueberries regularly to inhibit tumor growth and reduce inflammation by antioxidantsMedical News Today
Memory lossEat blueberries regularly to enhance memory and cognitive function by anthocyaninsMedical News Today
Exercise recoveryEat blueberries before and after exercise to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation by antioxidantsHealthline
Bone healthEat blueberries regularly to provide vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus for bone strength and densityWebMD
Skin healthEat blueberries regularly to provide vitamin C, which helps collagen synthesis and skin elasticityWebMD
Urinary tract infectionEat blueberries regularly to prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract wall by antioxidantsMedical News Today
Weight lossEat blueberries regularly to provide low-calorie, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense food that can help reduce appetite and increase satietyWebMD
Eye healthEat blueberries regularly to protect the retina from oxidative damage and improve vision by anthocyaninsHealthline
Immune systemEat blueberries regularly to boost immune function and fight infections by antioxidants and vitamin CMedical News Today
InflammationEat blueberries regularly to reduce inflammation and pain by antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compoundsHealthline

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