Natural Remedies for Scurvy

If you are looking for natural remedies for scurvy, you may be interested in this post. Scurvy is a condition caused by a severe deficiency of vitamin C, which is essential for many bodily functions. Vitamin C can be obtained from various fruits and vegetables, as well as supplements. Here are some of the top natural remedies for scurvy, how to use them, and the sources that support their effectiveness.

RemedyHow to useSource
AmlaAmla is a fruit that is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants. You can eat fresh or dried amla, or drink amla juice. Amla can also be applied topically to the gums to reduce bleeding and inflammation.CuresDecoded
Arborvitae oilArborvitae oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of the arborvitae tree. It contains high levels of vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can dilute arborvitae oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your skin or gums, or inhale it using a diffuser or inhaler.CuresDecoded
Citrus fruitsCitrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines, are rich sources of vitamin C. You can eat them raw, juice them, or add them to salads or smoothies. Citrus fruits can also help boost your immune system and prevent infections.Healthline
Bell peppersBell peppers, especially red ones, are another excellent source of vitamin C. They also contain other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can benefit your health. You can eat bell peppers raw, cooked, or roasted, or add them to soups, salads, or stir-fries.Healthline
StrawberriesStrawberries are delicious fruits that are packed with vitamin C and other phytochemicals that can protect your cells from damage. You can eat strawberries fresh, frozen, or dried, or make them into jams, pies, or smoothies. Strawberries can also help improve your skin health and prevent scurvy-related rashes.Healthline

These are some of the natural remedies that can help you prevent or treat scurvy. However, if you have severe symptoms of scurvy, such as loose teeth, bulging eyes, or internal bleeding, you should consult your doctor immediately. Scurvy can be life-threatening if left untreated, so make sure you get enough vitamin C every day.

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